Friday, June 29, 2012

Here we go...again

So, I have had a whim to start blogging again.  I really don't even necessarily want anyone else to read it.  I have been inspired by someone else's blog, and realize I have a lot to say.  If handwriting in a journal or diary were easier than an online blog, I would just do that.  But since it's not, here I am again. 

When I first started this blog, it was a "spoof" on the phenomenon of blogging that was uprising among my peers.  It seems like everyone was clamoring for their 15 minutes of fame through social mediums.  My blog started as something silly.  Then it morphed into a meal plan blog.  I actually love to meal plan and do it pretty well, and a few friends of mine suggested I post my meal plans for others to see so I could do the hard work of meal planning for them...since I was doing it anyway.  Then may of my friends who were following my meal plans obtained various dietary restrictions that I do not adhere to, so I didn't figure my meal plans were too applicable for them anymore.  So between that, and the usual business of life (including 2 pregnancy) to be expected of a young working mom, and my blog faded into oblivion, possibly never to be resurrected again.

Until now.  My life has changed somewhat since my last entry.  I'm now the mom of 3 kids...2 boys (6 & 4) and my precious baby girl, who will be 14 months old on Sunday.  I'm still a preschool director, I love to cook & sing, and my new obsession is Pinterest.  I'm not just a pinner.  I actually complete as many of the projects and recipes I have pinned as I possibly can.  Some I can't afford yet, but maybe some day.

I'm blessed beyone measure and incredibly grateful for this amazing life I have somehow stumbled into, despite myself and my constant failings.  It's only by the grace of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ that I am who I am and have what I have.  To Him be all glory and honor forever and ever.  Amen!  Some interesting things are coming my way.  God has some cool things for me to do on the horizon and I can't wait to do them.  Being in His will is the best place and only place to be.  More to come... 

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